Operations Engineering & Management
We have the resources, expertise and personnel to confidently provide petroleum engineering and project management services in the most challenging environments and applications. Our engineers are degreed professionals with extensive “hands-on” experience and decades of exposure to the demands of real-world conditions in virtually every major theater and type of operations. This includes US land basins, inland waters and offshore shelf operations for conventional and unconventional drilling and completions design and execution in current resource plays and conventional completions and frac design, international operations, deepwater floating operations, extended reach wells and deep HP/HT operations.
Well Site Supervision
High quality and reliable operations execution requires excellent on-site well supervision and the proficiency gained from years of critical experience. The only way to safe and efficient operations is by having the right supervision Our well site supervisors are field seasoned with drilling and completion experience in all US land basins, inland waters and offshore including deepwater. Virtually all HTK Consultants supervisors have a scope of expertise obtained directly by working their way up the ladder. Starting out at the bottom and building their skill set as they advanced from to become drillers, toolpushers and rig managers. Our drilling and completion wellsite supervisors are proficient using the current daily reporting systems.
Expert Witness Services
We offer expert witness services to the oil and gas community on matters dealing with drilling operations, contract disputes, fair market value appraisals, bankruptcy and others. While most expert witness work is done in the United States in both state and federal courts, HTK Consultants has also provided expert witness testimony internationally.
Inspection Services
The HTK Companies have provided exceptional services to the upstream energy sector since 1991. HTK Inspection Services strives to provide the same level of high quality service to the midstream and downstream segments as well. We provide inspection and project management services from the wellhead through the refinery. This applies to many other industrial sectors including commercial infrastructure, utility and highway construction. We provide the highest quality individuals to help ensure a project runs smoothly and efficiently. We employ superior field personnel who strive to provide the best communication and coordination with our clients and work to ensure your best interests are diligently addressed and managed well. HTK Inspection Services is based in Spring TX to provide service for the entire Gulf Coast and across the US.
Petroleum Engineering and Evaluations
HTK has a roster of seasoned petroleum engineers who can provide in-depth and detailed reservoir analysis. Our degreed, professional engineers perform reservoir evaluations on conventional and unconventional fields using integrated petrophysical data, log analysis and interpretation developing reserves analysis for investment banking support, acquisitions and divestitures and financial reporting for SEC and regulatory/compliance filings. They have practical operations knowledge to provide operating cost analysis and field production planning. Our engineers utilize state-of-the-art economic/reservoir analysis programs like ARIES, PHDWin, PEEP.